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In the Spotlight

Ali`i Design’s Founder & Creative Director, Kim Kelley, devotes a portion of her time to public speaking, writing articles for industry journals and as a professional source for interviews. She has presented numerous topics on marketing, graphic design and social media at educational conferences.

If you are looking for a speaker for your event, conference or webinar, or a marketing source for an interview, contact Kim at

Recent Articles

Targeting with Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising in its most basic form is simple. It’s inexpensive when compared against the numbers of people you can reach; there are numerous objectives to choose from to satisfy your overarching goal; and reaching your target audience through

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On the Move

Moving. I’ve maintained the mindset that it’s an opportunity to start fresh in many ways, but let’s face it, it can be really rough at times. You want the entire process to go smoothly. You need it to be a

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When Governance Strikes: Stay the Course

When I think of governance, I don’t naturally think of marketing. I also tend to think that governance is oftentimes thought of strictly as “the Government” and we don’t realize all of the places where some form of governance can

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Top Marketing Picks For 2016

Just what you need—a fresh start. A new year is a time to kick off best-laid plans, try a few new things, and discover what works best in marketing. This is your year, you can feel it. Taking into consideration

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Mastering Marketing Leadership

Adopt The Traits of a Successful Marketing Leader You have most likely been tasked with arriving at new ways of applying marketing strategy to propel growth. The only way to grow is to apply strategy and the only way to

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The End of the Marketing Funnel

Staying Ahead of the Curve Saturated by images of marketing funnels—convinced you are—by the process of moving prospects through the well-defined stages of awareness, consideration, right down to action. Businesses need to create a digital footprint to stay ahead of

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