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In the Spotlight

Ali`i Design’s Founder & Creative Director, Kim Kelley, devotes a portion of her time to public speaking, writing articles for industry journals and as a professional source for interviews. She has presented numerous topics on marketing, graphic design and social media at educational conferences.

If you are looking for a speaker for your event, conference or webinar, or a marketing source for an interview, contact Kim at

Recent Articles

Mastering Marketing Leadership

Adopt The Traits of a Successful Marketing Leader You have most likely been tasked with arriving at new ways of applying marketing strategy to propel growth. The only way to grow is to apply strategy and the only way to

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The End of the Marketing Funnel

Staying Ahead of the Curve Saturated by images of marketing funnels—convinced you are—by the process of moving prospects through the well-defined stages of awareness, consideration, right down to action. Businesses need to create a digital footprint to stay ahead of

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Strengthen Your Digital Footprint

Everything Online Creates a Digital Footprint It’s not the size of your digital footprint that matters, it’s the strength…the effectiveness. A guiding question when you’re ready to put your foot down should be “where are my customers engaging content and

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What’s Your Story?

Start Telling Your Business Story Through Blogging Starting a blog will help you to become more intimately involved in the details of your business. You’ll develop an ear for potential topics and learn to produce meaningful, inspirational content. Download the

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Productivity Hacks

How To Do Things Better and Quicker It’s not that you want to procrastinate, it’s just that you have so much to do, and there are so many distractions during the day, that many of your top priority items keep

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Features vs. Benefits

A Lesson in Converting Customers Customers are looking for meaningful benefits—a tangible reason why your services will create a positive and lasting impression from their experience. In order to connect with your audience, you have to be willing to show

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Your Customer has Changed

Patient Involvement Patients have become much more involved in their imaging-related care by having to shoulder increasing costs through high deductibles and a variety of media messages that have informed them of their choices. The patient as the target audience

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Navigating Social Media in a Pay to Play World

It was only a matter of time before the once mostly-free social media marketing platforms Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn began charging users to more-effectively reach their audiences. As I see it, Facebook has been leading the changes in how and

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Optimizing Your Website for On-the-Go Users

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are visiting your website on mobile phones, tablets, and e-readers. More than likely, they are pinching and zooming their way through pages of content, dropdown menus, and features designed for a mouse to navigate

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Drive Deeper Engagement with Content Marketing

Content Marketing If you’re up to date on the latest marketing trends, you’ve likely heard about how content marketing is sweeping marketing departments across many different industries. While content marketing is not actually new, it is still gaining speed and

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