
In the Spotlight

Ali`i Design’s Founder & Creative Director, Kim Kelley, devotes a portion of her time to public speaking, writing articles for industry journals and as a professional source for interviews. She has presented numerous topics on marketing, graphic design and social media at educational conferences.

If you are looking for a speaker for your event, conference or webinar, or a marketing source for an interview, contact Kim at

Tag: Branding

A Brand Is Born February 2022 Page 0001

How to Train Your Brand

A Brand is Born As soon as something exists, so too does the impression it makes on the world. All of those impressions add up to a brand. A brand is wild and complex and takes on a life of

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Repaving The Road To Marketing Success Feb 2021.pdf

Repaving the Road to Marketing Success

It’s a new year. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Right now, many marketers are writing retrospectives about 2020. They are going over everything that happened and the impact. I am taking a different approach. I want

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