Social Media Strategy

In the Spotlight

Ali`i Design’s Founder & Creative Director, Kim Kelley, devotes a portion of her time to public speaking, writing articles for industry journals and as a professional source for interviews. She has presented numerous topics on marketing, graphic design and social media at educational conferences.

If you are looking for a speaker for your event, conference or webinar, or a marketing source for an interview, contact Kim at

Tag: Social Media Strategy

Creating A Winning Social Media Strategy in Trying Times

Those who are most successful in social media marketing connect with their audience with forethought, understand who the audience is, and give them content that they care about. In the midst of a worldwide crisis, social media success requires all of that and more.

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Your Online Presence RBMA Bulletin

Your Online Presence

Normally the focus of this section is the marketing and branding of your radiology practice or radiology support business. For this issue, I’m switching gears to a topic that focuses on your use of social media platforms and digital forums

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4 Marketing Trends for The Year Ahead RBMA Bulletin

4 Marketing Trends for The Year Ahead

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you’ve long since emerged from your holiday cookie-coma, your New Year’s resolution is in full swing, and you have both feet firmly planted in 2019.  Time to dive into new and

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Targeting with Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising in its most basic form is simple. It’s inexpensive when compared against the numbers of people you can reach; there are numerous objectives to choose from to satisfy your overarching goal; and reaching your target audience through

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